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Box name BooksWorksSend Years Summary
comp-biography2601979-2001 Technical biography and internet history
comp-programing.txt701977-2007 Programming tools and logic
compiler-design.txt2201966-1991 Computer language Compiler and interpreter design
computer-ai.txt1701968-1985 AI including Expert Systems and related languages (lisp and prolog)
computer-business.txt1001991-2005 Computer business history and strategy
computer-database.txt1601975-1988 Database design and programming and file systems
mixed-books11901901-1997 All sorts
operating-systems.txt701970-1984 Operating system design and Small Talk
programming-1601972-1979 Computer data design and Programming logic
Software-management.txt2001974-1998 Software management, software engineering and object oriented programming
tech+math-books.txt2001964-1992 Basic college math texts and programming books
Number of books=170 Number of Boxes=11
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Books are about: Computer business history and strategy

Goog AOL.COM How Steve Case beat Bill Gates ... By kara suuisher 1998
Goog Clicking in - hot Links to a digital culture by Lynn Hershman Leeson (ed) 1996
Goog DEALERS of LIGHTNING Xerox PARC and the Dawn of the Computer Aqe BY Michael Hiltzik 1999
Goog Decline & Fall of the American Programmer By Edward Yourdon 1992
Goog Exploring the Internet A Technical Travelogue By Carl Malamud 1993
Goog INFOPRENEURS Turning Data into Dollars By H. Skip Weitzen, William "Biff" Genda 1991
Goog Rise & Resurrection of the American Programmer By Edward Yourdon 1998
Goog The Broadband Explosion Leading Thinkers on the Promise of a Truly Interactive World by Robert D. Austin, Stephen P. Bradley (ed) 2005
Goog The Eye of the Storm How John Chambers Steered Cisco Through the Technology Collapse By ROBERT SLATER 2003
Goog The UNIX(r) Industry Evolution, Concepts, Architecture, Applications, and Standards By Ed Dunphy 1991