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Box name BooksWorksSend Years Summary
early-70s-programing-books14111974-1988 Early computer books
mixed-books11901901-1997 All sorts
Number of books=33 Number of Boxes=2
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Books are about: Early computer books

Goog OL101 BASIC computer gamesDavid H. Ahl1974
Goog Accounts payable & accounts receivable--CBASICLon Poole1979
Goog Accounts payable and accounts receivableLon Poole1978
Goog Basic computer gamesedited by David H. Ahl ; program conversion by Steve North ; ill. by Sandy Dean.1978
Goog Dr. Dobb's Journal of Computer Calisthenics and OrthodontiaJim Warren1981
Goog Dr. Dobb's Journal of Computer Calisthenics and Orthodontia, Vol. 2Jim Warren1981
Goog Dr. Dobb's Journal of Computer Calisthenics and Orthodontia, Vol. 3The People's Computer Company1988
Goog General ledgerLon Poole1979
Goog Instant freeze-dried computer programming in BASICJerald Brown1977
Goog Payroll with cost accounting, CBASICLon Poole1979
Goog RPG for IBM systems/360, 370, and System/3Richard F. Loschetter1974
Goog The Best of ByteDavid H. Ahl, Carl T. Helmers1977
Goog The Best of Creative computingedited by David H. Ahl.1976
Goog The Best of Creative Computing - Vol. 2.1977